WM Doll Sex Doll Lower Body Legs Large

GBP £1049.00

The Starter Pack includes lots of goodies for doll care and maintenance

The lubricated vagina option is here! You can add this option to a fixed or removable vagina. It will work for 50 uses. We recommend a removable vagina option because then you can buy a new one for more uses.

Real Oral Sex Head currently only available on Heads 70, 198, 120, 85, 273, 452 and 432. Please change the head number if you want this option.

This option is sometimes called EVO Skeleton.

Realistic body painting is only available on White, Natural and Tan skin tones and is easily removed by excessive rubbing or use of solvents.

Here is the Wm Doll Sex Doll Lower Body Legs Large.

Weight: 31.5kg

hip circumference: 106cm

waist circumference: 68cm

leg length: 100cm

inner leg length: 78cm

foot length: 20cm

calf length: 43cm

thigh circumference: 67cm

calf circumference: 37cm

Available with or without Pubic Hair

Additional information


Qita Doll

Doll Material


Body Style



Less than 30kg